May 10Liked by Tim Schulz

Nick Lyons is my brother’s former neighbor whom I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. The Craig Matthew’s story, like so many of the old school fly anglers, is a pleasure to discover. All these guys were champions of conservation and really had an ethical pursuit of fish. You and others do a much needed job of bringing the climate change issue front and center. I’m pretty sick of reading about the climate denialism among some fly anglers, and I’m sick of their politics as well.

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May 8Liked by Tim Schulz

Thank you so much! I loved this show. I have read all the great stuff by all the names mentioned. Craig is a true hero for conservation in addition to his angling contributions. I worship at the feet of people like Nick Lyons, Yvon Chouinard, and Tom McGuane. All of them the brightest lights in our world.

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Thanks for the kind words, Kerry. I'm so happy you enjoyed the show.

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May 7Liked by Tim Schulz

Wonderful interview with Craig. I've heard of him for many many years, but we never met. One of those things I really regret. As you say in the interview he is the real deal. He did as much as anybody, if not more, to put West Yellowstone, MT, ON THE MAP!

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